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workmanship, application, or other specification which can dramatically increase or decrease the costs related to our repairs.
It is best to develop a scope of work, with drawings which identify in detail the following, (this will ensure all other contractors are bidding on the same scope).
My building has redwood fencing and patio decks. Both the fencing and decks are in good condition, however the “red” in the wood has faded with exposure to the weather. The wood looks grey now. How can I bring back the redwood look back without buying new wood?
- Josh
Dear Josh:
A Redwood deck or fence may be young and fit, but they do tend to grey prematurely. Luckily, the solution is not too hard. There is a chemical called oxalic acid which will help give the wood its youth and vitality back again. Most hardware stores will stock a product called cedar and redwood cleaner/ brightener. It may be under the brand name of “Olympic Cedar and Redwood Deck Brightener” Be sure your deck or fence is clean before treatment by using a TSP and water solution. (TSP is a heavy duty powder cleaning solution available at any hardware store or supermarket.) After cleaning, be sure to read the deck brightener product’s instructions before use. For safety and wear gloves and goggles. Mix the product’s solution with water into a pump up sprayer. Wet the deck or fence with the solution and using a nylon brush or broom, scrub the wood evenly, working harder on stained areas. Let the solution stand for about thirty minutes and rinse off with a strong stream of water. Let dry and the wood should look brighter. It might not look brand new, but it will look much better.
If you would like to see your maintenance question in the “Dear Maintenance Men:” column, please send in your questions to:
1. Areas to be covered, replaced, repaired in square feet and outlined in site plan.
2. Clearly identified type and quantity of asphalt mix, slurry, sealer. This is very important as most asphalt is recycled and diminishes in quality.
3. Which equipment will be used to address repairs and distribution of materials (compaction and heavy rolling equipment is key).
4. Communicate your long term or short term expectations.
5. Ask that the application warrants against “pooling or “ponding”
6. 􏰀ook for proper compacted thickness according to load. (Example: 2.5 “of laid asphalt and then compacted 2” by roller.)
􏰁. Monitor all work being performed to ensure the contractor is adhering to the contracted specifications. (Ask that a supervisor is always onsite).
8. Scrutinize the lowest bid very carefully.
􏰂. Require all other industry standard practices, insurance, contract language be in the agreement.
10. Visit the for additional tips on how to protect yourself. (This website is for California. Google Contractors State License board for your state for similar information.)
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