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  he Pasadena City Council has voted to captive audience and must weather the abuse.
end the city’s local eviction moratorium. This is a small step in restoring our system of judicial civil authority, but in light of the over-charged political rhetoric that dominates public discussion, it was much more important than most realize.
The fact is that our California state legislature has been working for the past two years to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and its economic repercussions for EVERYONE. In plain terms the recently passed AB2179 is the latest step in a process that anyone would find over-complicated in order to try to evict someone. And
Observing the Council meeting which took place April there in-lies the protection. So now that the legislative 11th, attended by the public online, one could come branch has done their part, the judicial branch can do away with the idea that all a rental owner had to do to theirs by hearing the particulars of all claimants on a
evict someone was wave their hand and say the magic word, and POOF, more homeless!
The lack of depth and understanding of how our business contract and civil justice system operates was astounding. It seems the tenant groups who have been regularly attending Pasadena City Council meetings have been using the modern media’s mode of discourse wherein you oversimplify a subject to the point of badgering your opponent into submission with any loosely adjacent argument at hand. What a shame! (literally)
In this case the Pasadena Tenant’s Union and Tenant’s Justice Coalition bring barrel loads of shame, guilt, and righteous indignation to dump at the feet of anyone who will listen. Unfortunately, the City Council is literally a
case-by-case basis.
We applaud all the members of the Pasadena City Council for coming to a decision based on reason and not hyperbole and exaggeration.
The reality the tenant’s groups are ignoring is that we have a structured system of checks and balances that needs to be restored rather than by-passed or dismissed. These particular tenant’s groups want people to focus on the indefensible atrocities of predatory capitalism rather than the necessity of restoring equitable democracy.
The Council voted 6 to 1 to sunset the Pasadena City eviction moratorium for Commercial tenancies beginning some time in May (as soon as the City Attorney’s office can arrange) and for all Residential tenancies as of June 30, 2022.
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